We are a not-for-profit private school serving children and adolescents. We follow Maria Montessori’s proven model of education as the key to freeing each human’s full potential and moving toward a more peaceful society.
Through individualized guidance, we help students develop the intrinsic motivation, self-reliance, and self-discipline necessary to thrive in academics and in life.
We do this while maintaining a respectful, caring environment that nurtures and celebrates the personal, academic, and professional growth of our staff, our students, and their families.
The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.
- Maria Montessori -

Reading can be a solitary meditation... or a joint endeavor.

"The human hand allows the mind to reveal itself."

The adult in a Montessori classroom is a trained observer of human development.

Reading can be a solitary meditation... or a joint endeavor.
Thank you for your interest in Montessori education and in our program. We believe our website should be a guide for interested families, introducing our school’s underlying philosophy as well as our general structure. Links to additional information on the Montessori philosophy are found throughout. The final step, an in-person inquiry including visits and observations, is essential to the process of selecting the best Montessori program for your family.
With measured individualized guidance, each student at our school strives to develop the dedication, self-discipline and self-esteem that lead to true independence. Montessori education respects the child’s natural right to gain personal pride from
her own pursuit of greatness.
"Montessori's inclusivity, kindness, and freedom really shaped me
as a person and gave me the ability to excel in life."
(RM, former MCHY student)